Displaying the playlist in the Edit Playlist window, switching the Destination drop-
down list box to the desired network player group, then clicking [OK] also allows the
playlist to be used for the selected network player group.
Specifying the Date for Automatic Deletion (Presentation Application Only)
Right-click the desired playlist in the Material Management window, then click [Set
Delete Date] or [Clear Delete Date]. When you click [Set Delete Date], a calendar
appears. Select the date for deletion, then click [OK].
In the case of the Scheduling Application, the day after the playout end date is
automatically specified as the date of automatic deletion. You cannot change it.
Playlist modules that are shown in blue or purple in the Material Management window
have no automatic deletion date data, as they would never be sent to the network
To use the automatic deletion function of the network player, specify "Yes" for
"Activate 'Automatic Delete'" on the "System Administrator Setup" screen of the
network player.