
When you already have the video file to be converted, you can simultaneously register
and convert video material. (See "Video Material Preparation.")
Registering Material Information
1 Click [Material Management] on the main menu to open the Material Management window.
2 Select the Video tab and click [Temporary File].
This adds a new blank line at the bottom of the list. Its green background color means that
the corresponding video file is not yet ready.
3 Specify the type, title, and date of automatic deletion from the network player for the newly
added material.
See the explanation below for details.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.
You can now create playlists using this registered material.
Converting Files
1 When you obtain the video files, click [Convert Material] in the Material Management
window to open the Convert Material window.
2 Click [Browse] and specify the folder where the video files (such as AVI files) to be
converted are stored, if necessary.
3 Click [Parameter], modify the settings for protection, video rate (only for AVI files), and
audio filter (only for AVI files), if necessary, then click [OK].
Normally, leave the setting in the File Size drop-down list box unchanged. See the
explanation of the Parameter Settings dialog box for details on the items in the dialog box.
4 Select the file to be converted from the upper video file list, then drag & drop it onto the
corresponding material data in the lower material list.
Conversion of the selected video file starts. The background color of the converted material
changes to blue.
5 Repeat step 4 for all the necessary materials.
Entering/Modifying the Type, Title, or Duration of the Material
Double-click the column for type, title, or duration (only editable for temporary files) of
the desired material in the Material Management window. This enables editing in that
column. Press the Enter key to complete the modification.
Specifying the Date for Automatic Deletion
Right-click the desired material in the Material Management window, then click [Set
Delete Date] or [Clear Delete Date]. When you click [Set Delete Date], a calendar
appears. Select the date for deletion, then click [OK].
Capturing Video (Video Material Preparation)
To use video material for playout, prepare the required information, such as titles, and
the video files, then send them to the network players. To use video, it is necessary to
capture video from a video device, create an AVI file, then convert the AVI file into
NSP format because the network players only play files in NSP format.