
11. Setting you workstation(s) to communicate via ipMIDI
The AWS Logictivity software enables 12 MIDI ports which are pre-assigned as follows:
Note that there are now two switchable workstation layers allowing two independent workstations to be interfaced.
Once configured, you can switch between the two layers using the console’s SSL/DAW menu.
Port 7: If your console has AWSomation, this port is used for MIDI Time Code (MTC).
Port 8: Used for the import and export of legacy SysEx TR and AWSomation data.
Port 9-10: Mapped to the conventional MIDI connectors on the rear of the console.
NOTE: In addition to ipMIDI port 7, hardware MIDI port 4 on the rear of the console is also hard coded as an MTC
input. To avoid contention, only use one of these two MTC ports at any one time.
PPoorrtt LLaayyeerr AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt PPoorrtt LLaayyeerr AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt
1 1 Faders 1-8 9 - AWS MIDI port 1
2 1 Faders 9-16 10 - AWS MIDI port 2
3 1 Faders 17-24 11 - -
4 2 Faders 1-8 12 - -
5 2 Faders 9-16 13 - -
6 2 Faders 17-24 14 - -
7 - MTC Input 15 - -
8 - SysEx 16 - -