
15. Assigning the AWS IP address
By default, AWS uses a fixed IP address of Dynamic (DHCP) address allocation can be selected via the
SSL/NET menu. The currently assigned address is also shown in the SSL/NET menu. If your AWS is connected to the
computer via a network switch or router which contains a DHCP server, it should be assigned a DHCP IP address;
otherwise the fixed option should be used. Once you have altered the IP mode, you need to restart your AWS for
the change to take effect. A software restart option is available in the SSL/SETUP menu.
An alternative fixed IP address can be set using the console diagnostic port. This should not be necessary in most
installations. You will need a PC or Mac running terminal emulator software. Connect your computers serial port to
the rear of the console using a 9 way ‘D’ type extension cable. The pin out for the console’s 9 way ‘D’ type serial
connector is shown below:
PPiinn DDeessccrriippttiioonn
1 Carrier (Linked to 0V)
2 TX
3 RX
4 DTR (Linked to DSR)
5 0V
6 DSR (Linked to DTR)
7 RTS (Linked to CTS)
8 CTS (Linked to RTS)
9 RI (Linked to 0V)