3.1. Gen eral
The sin gle con veyor unit func tions ac -
cord ing to the prin ci ple of suc tion con -
vey ance. A high-per for mance tur bine,
mounted per ma nently on the de vice,
pro vides for the vac uum that is re -
quired to con vey the ma te rial into the
sep a ra tor.
In the sep a ra tor the ma te rial is sep a -
rated from air. Af ter the con vey ing time
is fin ished the tur bine is switched off
and the ma te rial emp tied into the ma te -
rial in ter me di ate hop per. If the fill ing
level re mains be low the out let flap of
the sin gle con veyor unit, a start ing
pulse is trig gered and sent to the con -
trol ler. Then the con vey ance is re -
started. This pro cess re peats so of ten
un til the ma te rial in ter me di ate hop per
is filled. Af ter wards the con vey ance is
stopped un til a new start ing pulse is
trig gered and sent to the con trol ler.
The au to ma tic fil ter clea ning ta kes pla -
ce by ad jus tab le com pres sed-air
shocks (pul se du ra ti on).
The fil ter-clea ning pro cess ta kes pla ce du ring the con vey ing
pro cess.
The fil ter car trid ges are clea ned in ad jus tab le in ter vals (time
in ter val).
Func tional de scrip tion 22