Tab le of con tents
1. Sa fe ty in struc tions ............................................6
1.1. War nings and sym bols ..................................7
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma ti on .............................8
1.3. For your sa fe ty ........................................9
1.4. For the ope ra ting sa fe ty of the equip ment..................12
2. As sem bly in struc tions ........................................13
2.1. As sem bly ............................................14
2.2. Moun ting the suc ti on pipe MV ...........................16
2.3. Elec tri cal con nec ti on...................................17
2.3.1. In stal la ti on of the “flap switch” sig nal line...............18
2.3.2. In stal la ti on of the sig nal line of the ZKW (op tio nal) .......18
2.3.3. In stal la ti on of an alarm in di ca ting de vi ce at the SSE
con trol ler (op tio nal) ................................19
2.4. Com pres sed-air supp ly.................................20
3. Functio nal des crip ti on ........................................21
3.1. Ge ne ral ............................................. 22
3.2. Con trol ler SSE ....................................... 23
3.3. Con trol ler SSP ....................................... 25
4. Put ting into ope ra ti on ........................................26
4.1. Chec king the pipe sys tem ..............................27
4.2. Ad ju sting the suc ti on pi pes..............................28
4.3. Set ting the con trol ler SSE ..............................29
4.4. Set ting the con trol ler SSP ..............................31
4.5. In iti al con vey ing ope ra tions .............................32
4.6. Alarm Mes sa ges displayed on the con trol ler SSE ...........32
4.7. Alarm Mes sa ges displayed on the con trol ler SSP ...........34
4.8. Swit ching off the unit...................................34