4.5. In iti al con vey ing ope ra tions
Me tal sha vings may be in si de the pipe from cut ting down pi pes into lengths. The -
se are pul led du ring the first con vey ing pro cess and col lec ted in the se pa ra tor.
This ma te ri al should not be used again.
4.6. Alarm Mes sa ges dis play ed on the con trol ler SSE
If a dis tur ban ce oc curs in the unit, an alarm mes sa ge will be is su ed (op ti on, only if
the alarm in di ca ting de vi ce has been ac ti vat ed).
An “E” ap pe ars in the dis play and an er ror num ber.
The alarm in di ca ting de vi ce (sig nal si ren, horn) re acts.
The con trol sys tem can only res tart ope ra ti on when the mal -
functi on has been cor rec ted.
Press the “ack nowled ge ment key”.
The cau se of the mal functi on will not be cor rec ted by pres -
sing the “ack nowled ge ment key”.
Putting into op er a tion 32