About working with voice messages in the Client ___________
You can manage your voice messages in the Strata CS Client in the same way that
you manage e-mail messages in your e-mail program. Your new voice messages
appear in a list in the Inbox folder of the Voice Messages view according to the
time and the caller. You can listen to them in any order you want, and you can
easily forward them, reply to them, or archive them in other folders that you
This chapter describes the Voice Messages view and then explains the following
aspects of working with voice messages in the Client:
n Knowing when you have new messages
n Listening to your voice messages
n Handling your voice messages
n Organizing voice messages in folders
n Sharing your voice messages
n Viewing your voice mailbox size
n Managing greetings in the Greetings view
For instructions on how to listen to voice messages by using the Telephone
Commands, see Chapter 5.
The Voice Messages view
The Voice Messages view contains your voice messages. It contains two
predefined folders:
n The Inbox. New voice messages appear here. After you listen to them,
they remain here unless you move or delete them.
n The Saved folder. Saved messages appear here. When you save a
message by using the telephone commands, it moves to the Saved folder.
You can create as many custom folders as you want for storing voice messages.
See “Using the Folder List” on page 7-16 for instructions on how to move voice
messages between folders.