Using the Web Client ___________________________________
The Web Client is a version of the Strata CS Client that is accessible through your
Web browser, depending on your system. With the Web Client you can log on to
your Strata CS account from any location on the Internet. You can listen to your
voice mail, forward your calls, adjust your account preferences, and perform
other tasks.
Web Client limitations
The Web Client provides the same capabilities as the Strata CS Client, with the
following two exceptions:
n There is no Call Monitor for real-time call handling.
n You cannot make recordings.
Accessing the Web Client
To access the Web Client, type its address in your Web browser window. See your
Strata CS system administrator for the address.
In most cases, the instructions in this manual also apply to the Web Client. You
can also use the Web Client’s context-sensitive online Help for specific
instructions about a Web Client view.
Using the Strata CS Client remotely _______________________
If your office’s network server is set up so that you can log on to your network by
using remote dial-up, you can use the Strata CS Client as if you were on the
network at your office. However, the Client is still associated with your Strata CS
station, not your remote phone. Therefore, if you want to place and receive calls,
use the following guidelines:
n To receive calls, forward your calls to your remote phone.
n Answer incoming calls by picking up the phone. Do not use the Take Call
command in the Call Monitor view, because that command connects the
caller to your office phone.
n Place calls by picking up the phone and dialing. Do not use the Client’s
Place Call command, because that command rings your office phone. If
you have permission to do so, you can also place calls through Strata CS
by calling your office and logging in. See “Placing calls through Strata
CS” on page 6-2.