
U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
pvc add <port> <vpi> <vci> <encap> -o [-vpn <OUI> <vpnId>]
pvc delete <port> <vpi> <vci> <encap>
Attaches a PVC to the wan interface.
Add Adds the specified PVC to the bridge.
Delete Deletes the specified PVC to the bridge.
<port> A string identifying the wan interfaces e.g. atm0.
<vpi> <vci> Virtual Path Identifier and Virtual Circuit Identifier for the ATM connection.
<encap> Specifies the encapsulation type. The possible values are llc or vc which represent
Logical Link Control or VC multiplexing respectively.
-vpn <OUI> <vpnId> Specifies the VPN encapsulation. The OUI (Organizationally Unique
Identifier) and VPN identifier are specified as numbers.
1.12.3 cachetimer
cachetimer <timeout>
Specifies the idle timeout for bridge table entries. The timeout value is in seconds.
Whenever there is any traffic passing through the bridge, the bridge will maintain the lookup table
with the MAC addresses coming from configured interface (through LAN). If the traffic is destined
to any MAC address that is found in the lookup table, that packet is not sent to the ATM interface.
If there is no traffic from a particular machine for a certain time period, then that entry is deleted
from the lookup table. The time that the bridge will clear the bridge lookup entry is the cachetimer
1.12.4 setmultiport
setmultiport enable | disable
Enables or disables flooding between ATM PVCs.
1.12.5 list
file:///P|/T_WRITER/Documentation/Released/9003%20(Guinness)/User%20Guide/9003%20(Guiness)%20prac%20template/cli.htm (25 of 71) [11/6/2002 8:58:45 AM]