
U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
MAC Address (Local Area Network) - Unique serial number burned into Ethernet
adapters. Distinguishes the network card from others.
Max Age Time Timeout value that all bridged LAN bridges use. The root bridge sets
the Max Age value.
MAC Filter (Local Area Network) - Method of allowing or rejecting WAN access for
specific machines.
Microfilter - Device that separates the ADSL data signal from the telephone signal so
that the ADSL data signal does not interfere with the telephone device.
Modulation - Varying elements of electrical carrier waves in a manner that represents
signal data. Demodulation restores the signal data. A modulated signal requires more
bandwidth and an unmodulated signal does. The bandwidth increase results from the
creation of sidebands during modulation. The sidebands contain the signal. AM
creates two, identical sidebands on either side of the carrier. FM creates an infinite
number of sidebands.
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) - Parameter that limits the size of packets that
transmit on an interface. Not all interfaces support the MTU parameter. Some
interfaces, like Ethernet, have range restrictions (80 - 1500).
NAP (Network Access Point) - Public network exchange facility where ISPs connect
while peering. NAP connections determine how the Internet routes traffic.
Next Hop IP - IP address or Gateway used to arrive at the destination address.
NRT-VBR (Non Real Time-Variable Bit Rate) - Service type that supports
applications that have no constraints on delay and delay variation, but still have
variable-rate and burst traffic characteristics.
file:///P|/T_WRITER/Documentation/Released/900...003%20(Guiness)%20prac%20template/glossary.htm (6 of 11) [11/6/2002 9:02:38 AM]