
U.S. Robotics SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router User Guide
SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit) - Virtual connection between two variable endpoints
on the network. The switch makes at the beginning of the call, and breaks at the end
of the call. A frame relay and ATM networking term.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) - Set of protocols
designed to link dissimilar computers that use various networks and LANs.
Topology - Geometric physical or electrical configuration that describes a local
communication network. The most common distribution system topologies are the
bus, ring, and star.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - A protocol within the TCP/IP protocol suite. When
reliable delivery is unnecessary, communications may use UDP instead of TCP.
UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) - Best effort service that does not require tightly
constrained delay and delay variation. UBR provides no specific quality of service or
guaranteed throughput.
USB (Universal Serial Bus) - External bus standard that supports data transfer rates
of 12 Mbps.
VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier) - Address of a virtual circuit. An integer that ranges
from 0 to 65,535. The integer identifies a virtual channel that cells may traverse.
VPI (Virtual Path Identifier) - Address of a virtual path to a connection on an ATM
network. An integer that ranges from 0 to 4,095.
WAN (Wide Area Network) - Network base that covers a large geographic area.
file:///P|/T_WRITER/Documentation/Released/900...003%20(Guiness)%20prac%20template/glossary.htm (10 of 11) [11/6/2002 9:02:38 AM]