Record a TV Show Airing Later?
There are two main methods of recording a TV show that will air at a future time.
Using the Guide & Record button
Use the same steps, as described in the
last section.
Using the Guide & OK button
1. Activate the Guide, as described in
a previous section.
2. Using the arrow keys, highlight the
show that you want to record, as
shown below.
3. Press the OK button on the remote,
and program information will be
displayed. You can select to record
just that show, the whole series, or
advanced recording options.
Step 2: Highlight the show you want to record and hit OK.
Step 3: Program information will appear as shown.
Enable Closed Captions?
You can enable closed captions on TV programs.
When Watching Live or Recorded TV
1A. While watching TV, simply hit the More button. Select Settings. Go on to Step 2.
From the Media Center Menu
1B. Hit the Start button, then go to Tasks, and select Settings. Go on to Step 2.
2. Select TV, then Closed Captioning. Finally, change the options as you see fit!
TV option under Settings
Closed Captioning option
TV Closed Captioning options
Settings option when
watching TV
Settings option under