See Movies Currently on TV?
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to TV + Movies, then highlight and select
Movies Guide. Movies currently playing will appear, along with cover art and
access to more information.
Search for a Specific TV Show?
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to TV +
Movies and highlight search.
2. Hit OK to select.
3. Pick which parameter you want to search by, and
then follow the onscreen instructions!
Title option under Search
Create a Video DVD?
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to Tasks, and select Burn CD/DVD.
2. Be sure to insert writeable DVD
media if you haven’t already done so.
3. Select the Video DVD option, as
shown on left. Then, enter a name
for your new DVD (shown right).
4. From your media files, pick and
choose which videos or TV shows
you want to burn onto the DVD.
5. After you’ve finished your selections, choose View DVD to check and make sure
you have all the videos desired on the DVD. When you’re ready, click on “Create
DVD” to let VidaBox burn your new DVD. It may take up to an hour for a DVD
to be finished.
6. Note that you can also make video CDs using the VidaBox™, but for maximum
compatibility and storage space, use a blank DVD instead.
Movies option
under TV + Movies
TV + Movies
search option
TV + Movies
search option
DVD Creation