Basic Features – How Do I…
This section will cover the most common features one would use on the VidaBox™.
You can discover these features directly from the Media Center Start Menu, which can
be accessed by pressing the Start Button, as shown adjacent.
Watch a DVD disc?
1. Press the Load/Eject button, and the DVD tray will open. Take
out the DVD if there is one present.
MAGNUM Owners: You need to tilt the touchscreen to access the disc tray.
2. Place a DVD on the tray, then close the tray by pressing the Load/Eject button or
by pushing the tray into the VidaBox™.
3. Wait a few moments, and a prompt for Play DVD will appear, or the DVD will
should play automatically!
4. Alternatively, if the DVD is already in the drive, select Play DVD from the main
Play a Preloaded DVD?
1. Select My Movies,
and hit OK on the
remote (as shown on
the left). The DVD
selection menu will
appear, as shown on
the right.
2. Using the arrow keys,
select which DVD
you want to play, and
hit OK.
3. The DVD Movie
Info Menu will
appear. Select Watch
to view the DVD, as
shown on the left.
My Movies Menu
Important Note: When other video or audio is being played, such as music or TV,
preloaded DVD movies will not play automatically. Hit the Stop button to stop
current playback, as shown on the right, and then select the movie to be viewed.
Remember the
Start Button!
You can navigate to all of
the features here from
the Media Center Menu,
which you can access
from pressing
the Start Button.
My Movies Option
Watch DVD Option
Remote Button