1. Introduction
1.1 Scope and Purpose
This repair shop manual is intended to support famil-
iarized personnel in the repair of the Air Top 2000 S.
1.1.1 Use of Air Heaters
The air heater Air Top 2000 S is used to
- heat the cabin
- defrost the windscreens.
They are not cleared for heating a transportation com-
partment for dangerous goods.
The heaters operate independent from the vehicle en-
gine and are connected to the fuel tank and to the electri-
cal system of the vehicle. Their use is possible in
vehicles with water- or air-cooled engines.
1.2 Meaning of Warnings, Cautions
and Notes
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES in this manual
have the following meaning:
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance
with instructions or procedures may cause injuries or
lethal accidents to personnel.
This heading is used to highlight that non-compliance
with instructions or procedures may cause damage to
This heading is used to highlight and draw specific atten-
tion to information.
1.3 Additional Documentation to be used
This workshop manual contains all information and pro-
cedures necessary for the repair of the Air Top 2000 S.
The use of additional documentation is normally not
Operating instructions/installation instructions and the
vehicle specific installation proposal may be used as
complementary information as necessary.
1.4 Safety Information and Regulations
The general safety regulations for the prevention of acci-
dents and the relevant operating safety instructions have
to be observed at all times."General Safety Regulations"
beyond the scope of these regulations are detailed in the
following.The specific safety regulations applicable to
this manual are highlighted in the individual chapters by
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes.
1.4.1 General Safety Notes
Within the scope of the StVZO (Road Licensing Regula-
tions of the Federal Republic of Germany) “Design
General Approvals”, laid down by the Federal Office for
Motor Traffic, exist for the Air Top 2000 S with the
following official marks of conformity:
-S 324 (Diesel)
-S 325 (Gasoline)
The installation of the heater is to be performed in ac-
cordance with the installation instructions and must be
checked in case of
a) the vehicle type inspection in accordance with
§ 20 StVZO
b) the individual inspection in accordance with
§ 21 StVZO or
c) the examination in accordance with § 19 StVZO
performed by an officially authorised expert or exam-
iner for road traffic, a vehicle inspector or a public
servant as per section 7.4 a of Annex VIII to the
In the event of c) the installation must be certified on the
acceptance certificate included in the copy of the
“General Operating License” giving details about
- manufacturer
- type of vehicle , and
- vehicle identification number.
This validates the “Design General Approval”.
The acceptance certificate must be kept with the
The year of first operation must be permanently
marked on the identification label.
The heaters are cleared for heating the passenger and
driver cabins but not for heating compartments intended
for the transportation of dangerous goods.
Air Top 2000 S
1 Introduction