11 LAN Fax
108 Xerox WorkCentre 4260 Series System Administration Guide
17. To remove a recipient from the group, click the name and then click the [Remove]
18. To add a recipient to the group from another phonebook, click the [Add] button.
Select the phonebook, select the required name from the phonebook and click [OK].
Setting up a Cover Sheet
Follow these instruction if you want to add a cover sheet to your fax.
19. Click on the [Cover Sheet] tab.
20. Click on [Print a Cover Sheet] from the [Cover Sheet Options] menu.
21. Enter the information that you want to show on the cover sheet in the [Cover Sheet
Options] box.
22. If you want to add a graphic or logo to the cover sheet (a .BMP, .GIF or .JPEG), click
on [New] from the [Cover Sheet Notes] area.
23. To add a graphic or logo, click on [Picture] from the [Options] menu.
24. Click on [Choose File], then browse to the required graphic or logo.
25. Click on the required settings to adjust the scale, position and preview options of your
26. Click on [OK].
27. Click on the [Cover Sheet Image] menu and click on [Options]:
• Click on [Print in Background] to print the graphic behind any text on the cover
• Click on [Print in Foreground] to print the graphic at the front of your cover
sheet or click on [Blend] to print a faint image of the graphic.
28. Click on the required [Cover Sheet Paper Size].
29. Click on [OK].
Setup Fax Options
30. Click on the [Options] tab.
31. Click on the required option from the [Confirmation Sheet] drop-down menu.
32. Click on the required speed from the [Send Speed] drop-down menu.
• G3 (14.4 Kbps) - Selects the transmission rate based on the maximum
capabilities of the receiving fax machine. Initial transmission speed will be
14,400 Bits Per Second (bps). This rate minimises transmission errors by using
Error Correction Mode (ECM).
• Super G3 (33.6 Kbps) - This is the fastest transmission rate and is the default
setting. This rate minimises transmission errors by using Error Correction Mode
(ECM). Initial transmission speed will be 33,600 Bits Per Second (bps).
• Forced 4800 bps - Used in areas of low quality communication, when
experiencing telephone noise, or when fax connections are susceptible to errors.
4800 bps is a slower transmission rate but is less susceptible to errors. In some
regional areas, the use of 4800 bps is restricted.