15 Security
148 Xerox WorkCentre 4260 Series System Administration Guide
Audit Log
The Audit Log is a list of activities that have been completed at the machine and is displayed
in a raw text format. The Internet Services Audit Log screen allows the administrator to
enable the machine to download an audit log.
IMPORTANT: Audit Log cannot be enabled until SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is enabled on
the machine. To enable SSL on a machine, the machine needs to have a Server Certificate.
For instructions to set up a Server Certificate, see Machine Digital Certificate Management
& Trusted Certificate Authorities on page 150.
Enable and Download the Audit Log
1. At your Workstation, open the web browser, enter the IP Address of the machine in
the Address bar.
2. Press [Enter].
3. Click on the [Properties] tab.
4. Click on [Security] link.
5. Click on the [Audit Log] checkbox.
6. Click on [OK].
7. Click on the [Apply].
8. To view the log, click on the [Save as Text File]. The Audit Log information is
Right-click on the [Download Log] link to save to a local client.
9. The Audit Log is saved as [Auditfile.txt.gz]. This is a text file compressed as a GZIP
10. Open the [Auditfile.txt.gz] compressed file.
11. The Auditfile.text is a raw text file. To view the Audit Log as tab-delimited text, open
the Auditfile.txt document in an application that can import text as a tab-delimited
document, such as Microsoft
View the Audit Log File
Event ID
A unique value that identifies the entry. The following list shows the ID number allocated to
each type of activity displayed in the Audit Log:
1 = System startup
2 = System shutdown
3 = On Demand Image Overwrite started
4 = On Demand Image Overwrite complete
5 = Print job