8 LDAP Configuration and Address Books
86 Xerox WorkCentre 4260 Series System Administration Guide
3. Use an LDAP client to validate your settings before inputting them into the Internet
Services menus. LDAP clients include Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook
and Lotus Notes and other e-mail clients.
4. To use host names, DNS must be configured on the machine.
LDAP Configuration
General Settings
1. At your Workstation, open the web browser, enter the TCP/IP Address of the machine
in the Address bar.
2. Press [Enter].
3. Click on the [Properties] tab.
4. Click on the [Connectivity] link.
5. Click on the [Protocols] link.
6. Select the [LDAP Directory] from the directory tree.
7. Under the [Server Information] area, select either [IP Address] or [Host Name].
8. Enter the IP Address and Port or the Host Name and Port of the LDAP Server.
9. Enter details of an alternate LDAP server, if required, in the [Backup IP Address and
Port] area.
10. Enter the required information in the [LDAP Access] area:
• Search Directory Root - allows you to limit the LDAP search by entering the
location on the server where the LDAP information is stored.
• Login Credentials to Access LDAP Server - Select either [System] or
[Authenticated User] to access the LDAP server.
11. In the [LDAP Bind] area, for [Bind Method] select either to make an [Anonymous]
bind or a [Simple] bind.
An [Anonymous] bind does not require a valid Login and Password to access the
LDAP directories to perform lookups.
A [Simple] bind requires a valid Login and Password to access the LDAP directories to
perform lookups.
12. Enter details in the [Login Name] and [Password] box.
• Checkmark the [Select to save new password] box.
• Checkmark the [Append base DN] enable box. When enabled the bind will
append the Root to Append string to the bind.
NOTE: Many Unix/Linux LDAP servers require this attribute to be set and is used
frequently when Login Credentials to Access LDAP Server is set to [Authenticated
13. Click on the [Secure LDAP via SSL] checkbox if you want to enable Secure LDAP.
14. Enter and select information, as required in the [Search Criteria] section.