Page 9-6 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Queue Tab
The Queue tab enables users to promote, delete or release a
job in the Document Centre print queue.
NOTE: There is a time delay in refreshing the true status of
deleted and promoted jobs. Select Refresh Job after deleting
or promoting a queued print job.
¾ Select [Queue]. The Document Centre queue information
will be displayed.
¾ Select [Refresh Jobs] to update the job list.
¾ Select the required job and then select either:
- [Promote] to process the job before processing other
jobs in the queue
NOTE: Only jobs that are pending can be promoted.
- [Delete] to remove the job from the print queue.
- [Release] to allow the job to process.
NOTE: As standard, all users can promote and delete any
print job. Contact the System Administrator for further