Page 2-22 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
- Printer Configuration - lists the status of the printer
options, installed options, PCL options, PostScript options
and connectivity options.
NOTE: If enabled, the Printer Configuration Report will
automatically print after the machine has been successfully
powered up.
- PostScript Font List - lists the available PostScript fonts
for the printer.
- PCL Font List - lists the available PCL fonts for the printer.
Account Information
When the Auditron is enabled use this screen to review the limit
and current count for your account number.
Displays the total number of prints made on the machine.
Users can also review the counter for individual modes,
however if a mode is not installed on the machine the counters
button for that mode will not be displayed, for example if Fax is
not installed, the counters screen will not display a fax button.
On receipt of a Xerox meter card, check that the serial number
on the card matches that shown on the machine, if the
information is correct enter the Machine counter reading in the
relevant box and return the pre-paid card to Xerox.