Page 15-4 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Dual Tone Multi Frequency
the use of a keypad sequence (tones) to transmit to, or poll
from, a remote mailbox.
Duplex referring to a document that contains an image on both sides
of the page.
Document Feeder an assembly that automatically separates and feeds double-
sided documents from the input tray into the scanner.
Embedded Fax (Facsimile) a document that is transferred from one location to another via
a telephone line.
Ethernet a network transport technology commonly used to send data
from one node to another.
External Accounting Server
a network server used to access account information.
Factory Defaults settings which are incorporated into the machine at the factory
and used by the machine when the user does not specify
File Server a computer that has a hard disk drive large enough to hold and
share files. It provides the ability for multiple users to
simultaneously access the same file.
Forced 4800 (DC426/420) a setting that minimizes errors on telephone lines in areas of
low-quality communications or noise.
Foreign Interface Device a device (such as a magnetic card reader, coin-operated
device, or bill acceptor) that is connected to the exterior of the
machine and used to track machine usage.
Frame a group of data sent through the network.
Gray Scale Copying
programming that enhances the image quality of a document
beyond basic settings.