Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System CMS Option Tool
Color Management Guide 2-13
Custom Ink Characteristic
Use the Custom Ink Characteristic tab to specify information for a new custom ink.
If you specify the International Color Consortium (ICC) profile and paper to be used, you can
create a color conversion table for converting CMYK specifics in the profile to the printer.
How to Create Custom Ink Characteristic
1. Select the CMS Option Tool icon from the PC-GUI.
2. Select the [Custom Ink Characteristic] tab.
3. Enter the name of the CMYK ink characteristic.
4. Select [Browse] to specify the ICC profile name that indicated the CMYK ink characteristic.
5. Select one or more paper types to add to the CMYK ink characteristic registration in the
Specify Paper section.
6. Select the check box to allow you to select the resources when downloaded in the
Download paper information section.
7. Select [Execute]. Selecting the execute button will generate a color conversion table. If
resources are to be set at destination, then color resources are downloaded to the printer.
Paper Information
Use the Paper Information window to view and make changes to saved paper settings.
How to view Paper Information
1. Select the CMS Option Tool icon from the PC-GUI.
2. Select the [Paper Information] tab.
3. A majority of this window is read-only. The following information explains in detail the
options available on this window.
Paper name
The paper names specified in Custom Paper are displayed. There are two generally supported
papers also listed, plain and special. All paper types are listed here.
Printer name
The printer names that are registered in the GUI are displayed here. You can change the name
in the Properties dialog box.
CMYK ink characteristics
The registered ink characteristics are listed here.
Measurement time
All data from each color measurement is generated and these dates are listed here.