Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Color Calibration Process for v1.1.6 Software
Color Management Guide 5-13
Each test pattern takes about two minutes for the Eye-One iSis to process.
6. Insert a test pattern into the Eye-One iSis with the solid black bar facing upwards.
7. After the color data has been successfully processed, remove the test pattern from the Eye-
One iSis and press [OK] at the pop-up window.
8. Select [Save Data].
9. Under the Format drop-down menu, select [CGATS].
10. Select [Save].
If a duplex system exists, the first file scanned from each engine should be denoted with an
_1.txt at the end of the filename. The second file with a _2.txt, etc.
11. For the filename, type in an appropriate name (i.e. Upstream_1.txt).
12. Select [Save] and choose the [My Documents] folder.
13. Select [Clear Data] and select [OK] at the pop-up window.
14. Do one of the following based on whether a simplex or duplex configuration exists:
a. For a simplex configuration: Repeat steps 6-13 for the remaining two test patterns and
proceed to step 15.
b. Repeat steps 6-13 for the remaining two test patterns of the upstream printer, and
three test patterns of the downstream printer, then proceed to step 15.
15. At the pop-up window, select [Close].
16. Exit the ColorPort Utility Software.