Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Pre-Calibration Engine Density Adjustment
Color Management Guide 4-19
As a reminder, the queue name used to submit the job in the next step is [TRC_ [Paper
Stock Width]].
3. Reference
Appendix B and submit the appropriate test pattern to the printer using Line
Printer Remote (LPR). Return to this procedure when you are finished.
4. The command prompt window should look similar to the following when you are finished
5. After you have confirmed that you have the appropriate text in the command prompt
window, press <Enter> to submit the job to the printer.
6. Close the command prompt and Windows Explorer windows.
7. Save the last three print-outs of the test pattern.
In the following step, the white paper is used as a backdrop under the test pattern print to
prevent the viewing surface from interfering with the color squares.
8. Place a piece of white paper on a table, then place the test pattern on top of the white
piece of paper.
9. Place the SIR on top of the test pattern. Ensure that the square cut outs are in line with the
100% color squares of the test pattern.
10. Using the provided Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System SIR, evaluate by
eye if the 100% square of colors on the test pattern are lighter or darker in density than the
Light shade or the Dark shade of the SIR. Repeat this procedure for each of the four colors
(Y/M/C/K). Write down the results of each observation for recording purposes.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for each of the three test pattern print-outs.
12. Average the results from step 10 together.
100% SIR