Terms Defined
Client Server A network environment in which the nodes communicate with
a file server, and not directly with other nodes.
Collated An output programming option where each copy set is
delivered in the same order the documents were placed in the
document feeder. Example: Two copies of a three-page
document would output as page 1/copy 1, page 2/copy 1,
page 3/copy 1, page 1/copy 2, page 2/copy 2, page 3/copy 2.
contrast The intensity of the display of an image, or the degree of
difference between the gray tones on a document page. See
also “halftone” and “photo”.
Copy Activity Report A report that contains information about each copy job.
copy sets Groups of copies of a multi-page set of documents. If you
have a four-page document and you want to make 10 copies
of the document, you will be making 10 copy sets.
covers Paper or media used to add to the front or back of a copy set.
default screen A screen displayed immediately after switching on the power
or pressing the <Clear All> button. The screen is also
displayed when the [Auto Clear] feature is used.
default settings Settings which are incorporated into the machine at the
factory and used by the machine when the user does not
specify settings.
Delay Start Programming that enables the machine to process a
document at a later time.
DHCP An abbreviation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A
protocol allowing the principal parameters of network devices
(including IP Addresses) to be configured by central DHCP
dial To use a telephone/fax number for document transmission.
The methods of dialing provided by the machine include:
manual dialing using the numeric keypad, speed dialing, and
using the Address Book, etc.
dial tone A tone sounds from the telephone line when a remote
machine receives a call. You will then know that you are
connected to the line.
Dial Type The dial type of a connected line. The machine offers Tone
and 10 pps options.
Direct Fax Enables PC clients to send faxes via the machine.
DNS An abbreviation of Domain Name System. A system used by
the Internet for translating names of network nodes into
document feeder An assembly that automatically separates and feeds single- or
double-sided documents from the input tray into the scanner.
dpi An abbreviation of Dots Per Inch, which is the number of dots
that can be printed within a width of one inch. Used as the unit
for resolution.
driver Software that is loaded on the client workstation that prepares
data to be sent to the machine.