Specifying Fax Destinations
DTMF Method - Examples
The DTMF method uses combinations of special characters to send documents. See
the following examples.
• Remote Mailbox - Sends a document to a mailbox on a remote machine.
• Polling - Retrieves a document stored in a mailbox on a remote machine.
• Relay Broadcast - Sends a document to a relay station which in turn sends it to
multiple destinations.
• Remote Relay Broadcast - Sends a document via multiple relay stations. The last
station broadcasts the document to the specified destinations.
: Pulse-to-tone
Switches pulse dialing to tone dialing, for example when
using an automated message recording system that
requires tone signals.
’ Speed dial or
group code
Indicates a 3-digit speed dial or group code. Place this
character before and after the code.
< > Communication
line switch
Switches communication lines that include parameter data,
where the parameter data include characters “0” to “9” or
“,”. The parameter data must be placed between angle
brackets (“<” and “>”). If G3-3CH is installed, entering
either <1>, <2>, or <4> prior to specifying the fax
destination switches the communication lines.
= Dial tone
Suspends dialing until a dial tone is detected.
S Password check
(for remote
Use this character to verify that the correct number has
been entered. The machine checks if the password you
entered after “S” matches the fax number of the remote
machine. If the match is confirmed, the machine sends the
Improves readability by inserting spaces in a fax number,
for example “1 234 5678” instead of “12345678”.
! Start DTMF code
Pauses regular fax dialing, and starts the DTMF (dual tone
multi-frequency) method for sending documents to
mailboxes on the remote machines.
$ Wait for DTMF
Wait for a DTMF confirmation signal from the remote
machine and proceed to the next step.
Fax number of remote
!*$ Mailbox number of
remote machine
##\ Mailbox passcode \##$
Fax number of remote
!*$ Mailbox number of
remote machine
**\ Mailbox passcode \##$
Fax number of
remote machine
!*$#\ Relay Send
Number (RSN)
of relay station
\# Speed dial code
for first
# Speed dial code
for second
Character Function Description