BOX: The fixed string that represents “mailbox”
123: The mailbox number
wcm128: The host name of the remote machine that the mailbox resides in
xerox.com: The domain where the remote machine is hosted
Relay Broadcast
You can use the machine’s relay broadcasting feature to send a document to a remote
machine, which then sends the document to multiple destinations registered in the
remote machine. This can reduce transmission cost when the destinations are out of
town or located in another country because you only need to send the document to the
broadcasting machine.
The remote machine that broadcasts your document to multiple destinations is referred
to as a relay station. You can specify multiple relay stations, or even ask the first station
to relay your document to the secondary relay station, which then broadcasts the
document to other destinations.
You can send an Internet Fax document to an Internet Fax-capable relay station in a
network, which converts the document to a regular fax and broadcasts it to destinations
without an Internet Fax capability.
To send an Internet Fax document for relay broadcasting, specify the relay station's
e-mail address as follows.
1234567890: The destination’s fax number
777: The destination’s F Code (if required)
wcm128: The host name of the relay station
xerox.com: The domain where the relay station is hosted
NOTE: To use this feature, the relay station must be configured to use an SMTP
server to receive e-mail.
Address Book
This feature allows you to select the destinations registered in the Address Book. For
information on how to register destinations, refer to the Setups chapter in the System
Administration Guide.
Select [Address Book] on the
[Internet Fax] screen.
Select the required destination,
and then select [Add J] to add it
to the [Recipient(s)] list. Repeat
this step to select all the
required destinations.
Select [Close].