Job parameters
Print tab in the job parameters window
Edit print parameters for your job.
Parameter Option Description
Copies and pages Number of copies The number of copies that you want to print.
Note: For step-and-repeat imposed jobs, the number of
copies is defined according to pages or sheets.
Print range The print range that you want to print:
Odd pages
Even pages
Select specific pages, booklets, or page ranges to be
printed as follows:
By typing one or several numbers separated by
commas and no spaces—for example, 1,3,5, or
Type a range of pages or booklets with a hyphen
between the starting and ending numbers in the range
—for example, 1-5.
Print method
Print method Provides the following options:
Simplex—Single-sided printing
Duplex head to head—Two-sided printing for book-
style hard copies (usually used with portrait jobs).
Duplex head to toe—Two-sided printing for calendar-
style hard copies (usually used with landscape jobs).
Manual Duplex—A two-sided printing process in which
you print one side and then manually flip the paper in
the paper tray to print on the other side.