13. Leave the Preview window open, and, if necessary, drag it to
the right.
14. Select the Spacing & Marks parameter.
15. In the Marks list, select Crop marks.
The crop marks automatically appear in the Preview window
and the Margins setting is automatically increased to
accommodate the crop marks.
16. In the Gutter box, type 0.2 inches or 5 mm.
The new gutter size automatically appears in the Preview
window. The CX print server calculates that to accommodate
a gutter of 0.2 inches or 5 mm, a layout of three columns by
seven rows will best fit on each sheet.
17. Check the Preview window to make sure that no imposition
conflicts appear.
18. In the job parameters window, click Save.
19. Release the suspended Process queue.
Your business cards are processed and printed according to
the imposition settings.
Printing a saddle-stitch job
Use the saddle-stitch imposition method to print two sets of the
same job on one press sheet to save paper and production time.
This example assumes the following:
Your job is an eight-page brochure, with a custom trim size of
5.27 by 3.34 inches, or 134 by 85 mm.
Tabloid or A3 paper is loaded in the printer.
1. In the Storage area, double-click your job.
2. In the job parameters window, click the Imposition Method
3. In the Method list, select Saddle stitch.
4. In the Sets per sheet list, select 2 to print two sets of your
imposed job on one press sheet.
5. If required, select Stacking mode for VDP.
6. Click Spacing & Marks.
7. In the Marks list, select Crop marks.
8. In the Custom bleed size box, type 0.118 inches or 3 mm.
9. Click the Preview button.
The Preview window appears, displaying a schematic
representation of your imposition layout.
64 Chapter 8—Production workflows