Option Description
Queues Manager Provides the following options:
Job batching policy:
Enable job batching—Prints jobs that have similar
attributes one after another, without pausing between
Disable job batching—Enables the printer to pause
between jobs that have similar attributes.
Held jobs policy:
Bypass held jobs—Bypasses a held job in the Print
queue by moving the next job to the top of the queue.
This option saves valuable production time.
Don't bypass held jobs—Stops printing from the Print
queue when a job is assigned a held status.
Note: This option preserves the original order of the jobs
in the Print queue.
Parallel RIP
Enables you to process two files simultaneously. When you
import multiple PDL files to the Process queue, you will
notice that different jobs are processing at the same time.
Two native PDF files cannot be processed
simultaneously. The APPE RIP and the CPSI RIP can
process two files simultaneously.
Messages Accounting log setup—Enables you to set the number of
days after which you can overwrite messages. The default
setting is 90 days.
118 Chapter 12—Setting up your color server