2 Product Overview
26 Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 System Administration Guide
System Settings
During manufacture the machine is pre-programmed with default settings which can be
customized using the System Settings. The System Settings can be accessed via the
<Log In/Out> button. The following set up categories are available.
• Change Password
• Common Settings
• Audition Administration
• Copy Settings
• Print Settings
14 <Error> Indicates that an error occurred.
15 <Start> Starts or resume a job.
16 <C> Deletes a numeric value or the last letter and symbol
entered. Also cancels the job.
17 <# (hash)> Indicates the symbols.
18 <*(asterisk)> Used when you switch the machine to tone.
19 <Enter> Determines any changed settings or entered values.
20 <Exit> Returns to the previous screen without acquiring any
changed settings or entered values.
21 <Collated> Provides a quick way of using the sort feature.
22 <Orig. Type> Provides a quick way of selecting the document type.
23 <Enlarge> Provides a quick way of specifying the enlarge ratio.
24 <Reduce> Provides a quick way of specifying the reduction ratio.
25 <Paper Supply> Provides a quick way of selecting the paper tray.
26 <Address Book> Allows you to select the destination registered in the
Address Book or the program registered in the Fax
27 <Address Enter/Next> Allows you to send a fax or e-mail to the multiple
destinations at the same time.
28 One Touch panels Displays the number of One Touch buttons. Flip the
panel to access the page 1 (001 to 018), page 2 (019 to
036), or page 3 (p01 to p18 for Fax Program).
29 One Touch buttons Specifies Speed Dial or the Fax Program at a single
Button/Indicator Function