44 Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 System Administration Guide
Follow the steps below to set up a Solaris workstation to communicate with the
1. Log in as root at a client workstation.
2. Use the Solaris ADMINTOOL to add the machine to the system host files.
NOTE: Refer to the Solaris documentation for instructions on using the ADMINTOOL.
1) Select [Browse].
2) Select [Printers].
3) Select [Edit].
4) Select [Add].
5) Select [Local Printer].
6) Enter the [Host Name] in the Printer Name field and then select [OK].
7) Select [File].
8) Select [Exit].
3. Verify connectivity to the machine, by using a UNIX command such as ping, as
shown in the following example:
ping PrinterName
PrinterName is alive
NOTE: The remote queue name must be set to lp to spool jobs to the machine.
Follow the steps below to set up a SunOS workstation to communicate with the
1. Log in at a client workstation as root and add the machine to the /etc/hosts file.
For example:
IP address [tab] PrinterName
NOTE: If an NIS server is running on the same segment of the network as the
machine, log in at the NIS server as root and add the machine to the master hosts file.
For example:
IP address [tab] PrinterName
2. Verify connectivity to the machine, by using a UNIX command such as ping, as
shown in the following example:
ping PrinterName
PrinterName is alive