-C Option
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 System Administration Guide 55
NOTE: If several parameters are specified in the first lpr command, data may not be
printed correctly.
NOTE: The system default is used if no tray number is specified, or a specified tray or
specified size of paper is not loaded.
NOTE: This option is for specifying paper size only. Paper is selected but the
document size is not resized to fit the actual paper size.
NOTE: If the print data specifies a paper tray, those specifications take priority over
any -C option.
NOTE: If an invalid combination is specified, the machine may not operate correctly.
NOTE: For some print languages, the specification may be invalid.
Selecting a paper output tray
The following parameters can be specified.
Selecting a paper type
The following parameters can be specified.
B5/b5 Selects the tray which has B5 (182 × 257 mm/7.2 ×
10.1 inches) paper loaded.
A5/a5 Selects the tray which has A5 (148 × 210 mm/5.8 ×
8.3 inches) paper loaded.
LETTER/letter Selects the tray which has letter size (216 × 279 mm/8.5 ×
11.0 inches) paper loaded.
LEGAL/legal Selects the tray which has legal size (216 × 356 mm/8.5 ×
14.0 inches) paper loaded.
Parameter Description
OUTUP/outup Delivers prints to the face-up tray.
OUTDOWN/outdown Delivers prints to the face-down tray.
Parameter Description
PTS/pts Selects plain paper.
PT1/pt1 Selects thick paper 1.
PT2/pt2 Selects thick paper 2.
POH/poh Selects transparency.
PTP/ptp Selects tracing paper.
Parameter Description