Enter the Fax Repository Details via Internet Services
4. At your workstation, open your Web browser and enter the IP address of the machine in the Address
or Location field. Press Enter.
5. Click the Properties tab.
6. Click the Services folder.
7. Click on the Fax folder.
8. Click on Fax Repository Setup and select SMB for Protocol.
9. Enter an IP Address or Host (NetBIOS) Name.
10. Enter 139 for Port Number.
11. Enter the Share name.
12. For Document Path, type in the name of the folder on the server that has been set up to receive device
scans. Do not use back slashes.
13. Supply the Login Name and Password for the machine to log into the fax server.
14. Re-enter the password in the Retype Password box.
15. Click Apply.
16. Enter the administrator User Name and Password and click OK. The default is 11111 and x-admin.