
Security folder
This file folder now contains the contents found in previous products in the Security folder.
The Authentication Configuration hot link is used for setting up the machine with local and remote
Authentication, and for the use of Authentication in conjunction with Accounting methods. The folder also
contains a hot link for Audit Log settings, as well as a link for setting up the details of the log in used by
users to access device services.
User Details Setup is used to configure the characteristics of the login prompt for User Authentication.
Remote Authentication Server / Directory Services subfolder
The Remote Authentication Server / Directory Services folder is meant to support machine
authentication administered by a remote server. This type of authentication is first set up by selecting the
Security folder, then Authentication Configuration in the list of hot links, then selecting Login to Remote
Accounts from the Login Type drop-down list. Machine connection to the remote authentication server is
then set up by either clicking Next and Configure in the Authentication Configuration dialog, or by using
the hot links displayed here under the Remote Authentication Server / Directory Services folder. For
complete details on the set up and use of authentication, including Remote Authentication, refer to
Security – Authentication in the Options section of this guide.
The IP Filtering link lets you set up IP address restrictions for access to this device.
The Audit Log hot link allows you to enable or disable the Audit Log as explained in the Audit Log topic of
this guide.
The Machine Digital Certificate Management link is used to manage all digital certificates, of various
types, stored on the machine.
The IP Sec link lets you configure the settings for IP Sec encryption.
The Trusted Certificates Management link sets the categories for trusted certificate management (used
with digital certificates).
The 802.1x link is used to authenticate the multifunction device on the 802.1x network.
The SSL / TLS link lets you configure the settings for SSL / TLS encryption.
The PDF / XPS Security Settings hot link displays the dialog to determine whether or not to add a digital
signature to PDF and XPS files.
Job Indication Limit subfolder
The Job Indication Limit subfolder contains hot links that can be used to block queue display at the device.
The System Administrator Settings link lets you change the Login ID and Passcode used by the System
Administrator to access Tools on the device’s local user interface, and to modify Properties with Internet