
Scheduled Image Overwrite
A TCP/IP network-connected device can be set to overwrite image data on a scheduled basis.
Note: The Image Overwrite will delete all image data from the hard disk!
To enable a scheduled image overwrite, perform the following steps:
1. At your workstation:
a. Open your Web browser.
b. Enter the IP address of the machine in the Address or Location field.
c. Press Enter.
2. Click the [Properties] tab.
3. If prompted, type or enter your System Administrator user name and password.
user name (default): 11111
password ( default): x-admin
4. Click the [Security] folder.
5. Click the [Scheduled Image Overwrite] link.
Note: The Image Overwrite will delete all image data from the hard disk!
6. In the Scheduled Image Overwrite area, in the Advanced Settings box, on the Schedule Image
Overwrite line, click [Enabled].
7. Configure the Frequency, Day, Week, Hour, and Minute settings.
Note: The machine will be taken off line each day at the time specified to perform the overwrite.
8. Click [Apply]. Restart the device at the prompt.