4-43 Network Setup options
SNMP Setup
SNMP Read Community Name
This option appears if you select Yes for Enable SNMP.
This option allows you to change the SNMP Community Name (“public” by default)
for read access. Once it is changed, the new community name must be entered to read
any information through remote Setup. Up to 32 ASCII characters including spaces
can be used for the community name.
SNMP Write Community Name
This option appears if you select Yes for Enable SNMP.
This option allows you to change the SNMP Community Name (“public” by default)
for write access. Once it is changed, the new community name must be entered to
write any information through remote Setup. Up to 32 ASCII characters including
spaces can be used for the community name.
NOTE: For the two options above, a space at the beginning or end of the name is
automatically deleted from the name entered. When an invalid character is entered or
no name is specified, the default “public” is used for the community name. A name
consisting only of spaces is invalid.
Network Setup
Service Setup
SNMP Setup
Enable SNMP
Yes/No [Yes]
This option enables the SNMP communication over a TCP/IP or IPX connection.
Selecting No disables any access to remote Setup through Command WorkStation.