
4-22 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
DNS Setup options
Get DNS address automatically
No/Yes [No]
Select Yes to allow the EX7750 to obtain the IP address of the DNS server
Primary DNS server IP address
This option only appears if you have selected No to Get DNS Automatically. Enter the
IP address of the DNS server assigned to the printer on the network.
Secondary DNS Server IP Address
Specify the IP address of the secondary DNS server. If you do not have a secondary
DNS server, leave the default setting.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name of your DNS server.
Host name
Default server name
Enter the host name of the EX7750. By default, the host name is the Server Name you
enter in Server Setup.
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
TCP/IP Setup
DNS Setup
DNS Setup
You can configure the EX7750 so that it can access an appropriate DNS server.
With the DNS server, when connecting the Fiery utilities or WebTools from remote
workstations to the EX7750, users need to remember only its Server Name, which
is much easier to remember than an IP address.
Additionally, you can use the DNS name for the printer feature called “Sending
Methods.” You can send jobs to the printer and specify your choice of settings for
this feature at the printer touch panel.