4-14 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
System Time
Enter the correct system time. Enter the time based on the 24-hour clock in the form
HH:MM (Hours:Minutes). The time appears on the Job Log.
Time Zone
Select a time zone in which you are located.
Daylight Saving
Yes/No [No]
Select Yes if your location has daylight saving time changes. The system automatically
adjusts the system time when the time changes occur.
Print Start Page
Yes/No [No]
Specify whether the EX7750 should print a start page every time it restarts. The start
page displays information about the EX7750, including the server name, current date
and time, amount of memory installed in the EX7750, network protocols enabled, and
connections published.
Use Character Set
Macintosh/DOS/Windows [Macintosh]
Specify whether the Control Panel and Command WorkStation should use the
Macintosh, DOS, or Windows character set for displaying file names. This is
important if file names include accented or composite characters (such as é or æ).
For mixed-platform networks, choose the option that gives the best overall
representation of the special characters you use.
Enable Printing Groups
Yes/No [Yes]
Specify whether to enable printer groups. If you are downloading fonts, set this option
to No. If you enable this option, you must use Command WorkStation to define user
groups and passwords. Users must then enter their group name and password when
they print.