
The Pattern Jobs
Increases or decreases the gate times (length) of all notes in the
specied track and range of measures.
The TR parameter selects the track to be affected by the Modify
Gate Time job: D1, D2, PC, BA, C1, C2, C3, C4.
The M parameters above the graphic bar are used to specify the
rst measure:beat and last measure:beat of the range to be modied.
The SetAll parameter makes it possible to set all notes in the
specied range to a single gate time value from 1 to 9999. Set All
can also be turned Off when the Rate and Offset parameters,
below, are to be used for gate time modication.
The Rate parameter allows you to change the Gate Time value of
each note without affecting the gate time ratios between notes (propor-
tional change). A setting of 100% maintains the absolute gate time dif-
ferences between notes, while lower (higher) values will decrease
(increase) the gate time values to the corresponding percentage. The range
is from 0% to 200%.
03 : Modify Gate Time
First measure Last measure
First beat Last beat
32 32 32 48 48
16 16 16 24 24
48 48 48 72 72
gate time
Rate = 50%
Rate = 150%