
Guided Tour
Guided Tour
For Singers: Cool Vocal Processing
The Chorus Block
The Chorus effect can give your vocal sound added life and
sparkle. The Chorus block is not engaged on all setups. If you
select a setup which does not use the Chorus block the Chorus
parameter values will all appear as dashed lines. When the Cho-
rus block is engaged, the parameters work as follows:
The Reverb Block
The Reverb block has only one parameter Reverb Lvl
which adjusts the depth of the reverb sound. The Reverb Lvl
range is from 000 to 127, with higher values producing
deeper reverb. If you select a setup which does not use the
Reverb block, the Reverb Lvl parameter value will appear as
dashed line.
Mod Speed Adjusts the modulation speed of the chorus effect (the
speed at which the tone varies). The value range is
from 0.0 Hz through 39.7 Hz. The higher the value, the
faster the modulation.
Mod Depth Modulation depth (range: 000 through 127). The higher
the value the deeper the modulation and, thus, the
stronger the effect.
FB Level Adjusts the amount of feedback applied to the chorus
block (range: -63 +00 +63). Negative values
apply reverse-phase feedback.
Chorus block