
The Pattern Jobs
Produces a gradual crescendo (increase in note velocity) or decre-
scendo (decrease in note velocity) in the specied track over the specied
range of measures.
The TR parameter selects the track to be affected by the Cre-
scendo job: D1, D2, PC, BA, C1, C2, C3, C4.
The M parameters above the graphic bar are used to specify the
rst measure:beat and last measure:beat of the range to be modied.
The Range parameter determines the range of velocity values
over which the crescendo will occur. A setting of +24, for example, will
cause the MIDI velocity values to increase by 24 over the specied mea-
sure range (The MIDI velocity value range is from 1 to 127).
Negative values cause a corresponding decrease in velocity, thereby
producing a decrescendo rather than a crescendo. The range of this param-
eter is from -99 through 0 to +99.
04 : Crescendo
First measure Last measure
First beat Last beat
Range +24.
Specied measure (M) range.