Issue 3, May 1997 Model 750 User Guide
Page 32 Studio Technologies, Inc.
Model 750
and headphone output. Acting as a trusty
assistant, the monitor section allows visual
and aural monitoring of a variety of sig-
nals, without effecting the main and AUX
audio buses. Understanding and becom-
ing comfortable with using the monitor
section is crucial to obtaining optimal
Model 750 performance.
Source Selection Buttons
The core of the monitor section are the six
monitor source buttons. The six buttons
allow one or more of the audio sources to
be selected for monitoring. A review of the
sources may prove helpful:
MainStereo This selects the left and
right channels of the main audio bus as
the monitor source; left channel is
routed to the left channel of the monitor
section, right channel to the right chan-
nel. This selection is appropriate when
stereo program audio is present on the
main bus, or when independent signals
present on the left and right channels of
the main bus need to be simultaneously
MainLeft This selects the left channel
of the main audio bus as the monitor
source. The left channel is routed to
both the left and right channels of the
monitor section. This allows a single-
channel monaural program feed, or the
left channel of a two-channel split-
feed, to be monitored. (An example of
a split-feed is where the left channel
of the main bus is handling audio for
network 1, while the right channel of the
main bus is handling audio for network
MainRight This selects the right
channel of the main audio bus as the
monitor source. The right channel is
routed to both the left and right chan-
nels of the monitor section. This allows
a single-channel monaural program
feed, or the right channel of a two-
channel split-feed, to be monitored.
AUX This selects the left and right
channels of the AUX audio bus as the
monitor source; left channel is routed to
the left channel of the monitor section,
right channel to the right channel. This
selection is appropriate when stereo
program audio is present on the AUX
bus, or when independent signals
present on the left and right channels of
the AUX bus need to be simultaneously
EXT 1 This button selects external
monitor input 1 as the monitor source;
left input channel is routed to the left
channel of the monitor section, right
channel to the right channel. If the
external source is monaural, and has
been connected only to the jack labeled
L/MONO, the signal will automatically
be routed to both the left and right
monitor channels. This allows a monau-
ral signal to be monitored over both the
left and right channels, a method that,
while really 2-channel monaural (binau-
ral), is comfortable and reassuring for
many people.
EXT 2 This button selects external
monitor input 2 as the monitor source.
Its similar to EXT 1, with the exception
that its input level sensitivity is config-
urable using configuration DIP switch 8.
Should you find the level of EXT 2 to be
significantly louder or softer when
compared to the other monitor sources,
configuration DIP switch 8 should be