HP4402.book : chapter3.fm 21 Wed Apr 23 15:29:05 1997
Menu Reference
Front Panel Menu Reference "System/Inputs" Menu
HP EPM-442A User’s Guide 3-21
Press this softkey to toggle between the test limits being on
or off. The default is “Off”.
Press this softkey to enter the upper measurement limit in
the range -150 dBm to 230 dBm. The default value is
90.00 dBm. Use the , , and hardkeys to
change the value. To confirm your choice press the
appropriate measurement units. must be greater than
Press this softkey to enter the lower measurement limit in
the range -150 dBm to 230 dBm. The default value is
-90.00 dBm. Use the , , and hardkeys to
change the value. To confirm your choice press the
appropriate measurement units. must be less than
Press this softkey to switch the POWER REF output on or off. This
output is used as the signal source for calibration. This softkey is
commonly used for troubleshooting. The default is “Off”.
Note During calibration the power meter automatically switches the
power reference oscillator on (if it is not already on), then after
calibration it switches it to the state it was in prior to the
Press this softkey to display any power meter errors and access a
menu which allows you to clear and scroll through any power
meter errors. The errors are viewed in a first in first out (FIFO)
Press this softkey to clear all the errors which are stored in
the power meter’s memory.
Press this softkey to move to the next error in the error queue.
The displayed error message is individually cleared each time
is selected.
Limits Off On
Power Ref Off On
Error List
Clear Errors