iLive AP7141 Music Mixer User Manual

iLive Fixed Format Getting Started Guide 2 AP7141 iss.2
Safety Instructions
Before starting, read the Important Safety Instructions printed on the sheet supplied
with the equipment. For your own safety and that of the operator, technical crew and
performers, follow all instructions and heed all warnings printed on the sheet and on the
equipment panels.
System operating firmware
The feature set of the iLive is determined by the firmware (operating software) that runs
it. Firmware is updated regularly as new features are added and improvements made,
and is available for download from the Allen & Heath web site. This guide relates to
Version 1.6 firmware. Some of the details shown in this guide may differ from those in
the current release of firmware. Refer to the web site for the latest version and read the
Release Notes that come with each version of firmware for further details.
Further information
For further information, refer to the iLive Reference Guide and the user guides
associated with each system component.
Refer also to the iDR MixRack Getting Started Guide AP7445 which presents further
information on the DSP architecture and Port B audio networking options.
Use the HELP MANUAL available from the iLive Surface TouchScreen UTILITY menu
and the Editor software.
Refer to the Allen & Heath web site for the latest information on iLive and additional
resources for download.
iLive Fixed Format Systems Getting Started Guide AP7141 Issue 2
Copyright © 2010 Allen & Heath. All rights reserved
Manufactured in the United Kingdom by Allen & Heath Limited, Kernick Industrial Estate, Penryn,
Cornwall, TR10 9LU, UK