Korg KLC M1 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Name OSC1 Wave Filter 1 Cut Filter 1 Resonance Filter 1 Balance
1: Connect the microSTATION’s MIDI OUT jack to the RADIAS’ MIDI IN jack with a MIDI
2: Press the [GLOBAL] key to enter Global mode. Set “Position” on the “GLOBAL” page to
“Pre TG”.
3: Press the [PAGE] key to move to the “MIDI” page. Set “MIDI Ch” to “01” and “Clock” to
4: Press the [PAGE] key to move to the “MIDI FILTER” page. Set “ProgChg” to “o”,
“CtrlChg” to “o”, “P.Bend” to “o”.
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#8 CC#74 CC#71 CC#27
16 [B]
Name OSC 1 Control2 LFO 1 Frequency OSC 2 Tune Amp Level
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#17 CC#90 CC#21 CC#7
Name OSC1 Wave Filter 1 Cut Filter 1 Resonance Filter 1 Balance
1: Connect the microSTATION’s MIDI OUT jack to the R3’s MIDI IN jack with a MIDI cable.
2: Turn [PAGE SELECT] dial to move to “EDIT-P40 Global-A” page and set [KNOB4]’s
“Position” to “Pre TG.”
3: Turn [PAGE SELECT] dial to move to “EDIT-P42 MIDI” page and set [KNOB1]’s “MIDI
Ch” to “01”, [KNOB4]’s “Clock” to “Ext-MIDI.”
4: Turn [PAGE SELECT] dial to move to “EDIT-P43 MIDIFilt” page and set [KNOB1]’s
“PROG Chg” to “Enable,” [KNOB2]’s “Ctrl Chg” to “Enable”, [KNOB3]’s “PitchBend” to
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#8 CC#74 CC#71 CC#27
18 [B]
Name OSC 1 Control2 LFO 1 Frequency OSC 2 Tune Amp Level
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#17 CC#90 CC#21 CC#7
Ableton Live
Name Track 1 Send Track 2 Send Track 3 Send Track 4 Send
Load the “KORG microSTATION template.als” file.
Select “Preferences...” in the “Options” menu (or select “Preferences...” from the “Live”
menu on the Mac) to open the “Preferences” dialog. Set “Input” of “Remote Control” to
Ch Ch:01G Ch:02 Ch:03 Ch:04
CC#/Note CC#18 CC#18 CC#18 CC#18
20 [Pan]
Name Track 1 Pan Track 2 Pan Track 3 Pan Track 4 Pan
Ch Ch:01G Ch:02 Ch:03 Ch:04
CC#/Note CC#10 CC#10 CC#10 CC#10
21 [Volume]
Name Track 1 Volume Track 2 Volume Track 3 Volume Track 4 Volume
Ch Ch:01G Ch:02 Ch:03 Ch:04
CC#/Note CC#7 CC#7 CC#7 CC#7
1: These operations will overwrite the previous MIDI Control settings. If necessary, back up the previous control Midi file.
2: When the MIDI channel settings of the host application and the plug-in software are the same, proper control may not be available. Please change the MIDI channel setting on
either the host application or the plug-in software. Please refer to the application’s manual for the correct setting
Manufacturers Product Name
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 HINT