Prophet V
Name Osc A PW Filter Cutoff Filter Resonace Filter Env Amount
Copy the setting file “controlMidi” into the following folder:
Windows: The “save” folder is located inside the folder where Prophet V is installed.
(e.g. C:\Program Files\Arturia\ProphetV\save)
Mac: /Library/Preferences/prophetv/save folder This operation will overwrite the previ-
ous MIDI Control settings. If necessary, back up the previous controlMidi file.
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#20 CC#74 CC#71 CC#79
39 [VS]
Name Filter Env Amount Filter Cutoff Filter Resonace Volume
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#69 CC#30 CC#68 CC#83
Analog Factory
Name Level Cut Off Resonance LFO Rate
Copy the setting file “midi.prefs” into the following folder:
Windows: The “save” folder inside the folder where Analog Factory is installed. (e.g.
C:\Program Files\Arturia\Analog Factory\save)
Mac: /Library/Preferences/AnalogFactory folder This operation will overwrite the previ-
ous MIDI Control settings. If necessary, back up the previous controlMidi file.
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#7 CC#74 CC#71 CC#90
41 [B]
Name Param 1 Param 2 Param 3 Param 4
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#18 CC#19 CC#16 CC#17
42 Apple GarageBand
Name Pan Volume Free Free
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#10 CC#7 off off
Fxpansion BFD
Name Direct Master Level Overhead Level Room Level PZM Level
Click the “Load” icon (located in the upper right corner of the BFD window) to load the
“BFD_KORG.bfd” file.
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#16 CC#17 CC#18 CC#19
44 [trim]
Name Kick Trim Snr Trim HiH Trim F Tom Trim
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#52 CC#53 CC#54 CC#55
45 [tune]
Name Kick Tune Snr Tune HiH Tune F Tom Tune
Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch Global Ch
CC#/Note CC#44 CC#45 CC#46 CC#47
1: These operations will overwrite the previous MIDI Control settings. If necessary, back up the previous control Midi file.
2: When the MIDI channel settings of the host application and the plug-in software are the same, proper control may not be available. Please change the MIDI channel setting on
either the host application or the plug-in software. Please refer to the application’s manual for the correct setting
Manufacturers Product Name
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 HINT