Korg Legacy Collection EasyStart
The Polysix
The Polysix programmable six-voice polyphonic analog synthesizer was introduced in 1981.
With a surprisingly full-sounding voice structure, chorus/phase/ensemble effects and
performance functions such as chord memory, arpeggiator and unison, the Polysix became a
world-wide hit. Its distinctive string and pad sounds are often heard to this day.
Touring the Sounds
1. Launch the Polysix in stand-alone mode.
2. After it launches you will see the MAIN screen, which shows a graphic of the Polysix. At the bottom right-
hand portion of the screen you will see page buttons for MAIN, EDIT, CONFIG, PROG LIST, and WRITE
PROG. Click on PROG LIST. This will take you to the Programs list screen, which will allow for access of the
32 preset programs for the Polysix. Simply move the pointer to a name, and click on it to select different
Select and check out these great Polysix programs:
9 19 P6 Strings: Famous Polysix strings
9 05 Scream Uni Lead: Unison capabilities example for lead and bass lines
9 27 Downward Arp: Arpeggiator from the Polysix is perfectly replicated, and now can be tempo-
9 29 minor 7
Chord: Shows the Chord memory function – strike a chord, click on the Chord
button from the edit page or main window, and then play single notes
9 25 Brave Arp: Creative possibilities when using Chord Memory with the Arpeggiator – this
is programmed so that a chord is held in memory, and the arpeggiator is
set to playback and arpeggiate the entire chord structure
9 15 Invert Envelope: A good example of filter sweep in the Polysix – you can really hear the
difference between Polysix and MS-20 filters in this one!
1. Click on the MAIN button at the bottom of the Polysix window. From the MAIN screen, you can mouse-click
on any knob and rotate it to change the value for that parameter.
2. Move the pointer on top of any one of the knobs on the front panel in the software. In OS X, ctrl-click, and
in Windows XP, right-click.
3. A small window will appear over the knob giving you two options: