
DX810 20
Firmware Upgrade
This allows you to select an OS upgrade file to
upload to the DX-10E as they become available.
Click Select File in the Firmware Upgrade window
and the Select OS Upgrade File dialog box opens.
Browse to the location of the OS upgrade file (with
a .pkt extension) on your hard drive or floppy drive
and click Open, then click Upgrade. You can monitor
the progress in the Firmware Upgrade window.
Set Lock Code
Select this to view and change the four-digit
locking code for the DX810. The code must consist
of four digits. Use the Panel Lock button in the Top
Section to lock and unlock the front panel controls,
or use the MODE button on the front panel to lock
the controls. Refer to pages ?? and ?? in this
DX-810 Instruction Manual for more information on
using the Lock mode.
Configure COM Ports
The DX10EPC application uses COM1 on the
PC by default. If necessary, you can change the
COM port used by the application. Click the PC Com
Port pull-down box in the COM Port Setup window
and select the desired COM port.
Note: The DX10EPC application defaults to
COM1 whenever it is restarted. This is regardless
of whether another COM port was selected in a
previous session. To permanently change the
default COM port setting, you must open the file
named DX-810.ini (located in the System folder
where the DX-10EPC application is located) with
NotePad. Change the line dspport:0 to
dspport:1 to change to COM2, dspport:2 to
change to COM3, and so on.
The DX10EPC application uses 115.2k baud
transmission speed by default. Some third-party
control systems require a lower baud rate. If using
one of these systems, the DX810 rear COMM PORT
baud rate should be changed. You can change the
baud rate in the COM Port Setup window. The front
panel COMM PORT still operates at 115.2k baud.
Note that when the rear COMM PORT baud rate is
changed from 115.2k baud, the PC application no
longer communicates with the DX810 via this port.
You must use the front COMM PORT with the
PC application.